¿Soniqué? FLORIDA


Seville’s popular maestro is touring the U.S.A.!  

Don’t miss this chance to join his classes that cover the lighter side of  Flamenco – dancing bulerías in the fiesta. From a base of rhythm and ease of musicality, this engaging teacher brings out smiles and laughter in classes where learning is fun! All levels of dancers, from total beginners to professionals, as well as singers and guitarists, will gain in these classes.

Regardless of Flamenco technique level or experience, students become absorbed in one of the essentials of Flamenco: being united in rhythm, in soniquete!


Jennie´s Dance Studio
145 Weston Rd, Weston, FL 33326


Sunday, May 5, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM


Contact Jennie’s Dance Studio to register >>